When a male/female sneezes thier mucus into a womans vagina and uses the substance as lubricant.
Woah Rob! that snot rag technique lastnite toally worked!!
I saved money on lube!!
by Supersouthby September 21, 2008
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Snot flume: the vertical depression between the base of the nose; at the septum, and the Cupid's bow of the upper lip. Generally noticeable by the parallel Philtral ridges.

"Robert's epic handlebar mustache hides the fact that he is very self conscious of his equally epic snot flume."
"Robert's epic handlebar mustache hides the fact that he is very self conscious of his equally epic snot flume."
by Marlin Tubbs June 29, 2014
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Someone who is a witch (non-magical version), lies, and someone who suffers from O.C.B.D. (Obsessive Cumpulsive Boyfriend Disorder)
"Yes, she used to be my friend, but then she turned into a purple snot."
Typically; an ex-friend or boyfriend/girlfriend
by SammyDev March 31, 2010
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The act of sucking snot from another person's nose, then transferring it back and forth with eachothers mouths. The snot ball should continue to grow in size and take on a snowmobile effect.
I had such a bad cold last week, so my girl decided to give me a snot-job snowball. It was just what I needed to clear up my sinuses.
by Kirbizzal May 27, 2016
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A person with no sophistication, and is simply personally disgusting by nature, often associated with pink people who pick their noses and sometimes eat what comes out.
Oh my God! That guy is such a snot picker. He’s sitting there picking the skin from his ears and chewing on it… How gross!
by snedmondo August 26, 2022
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Pressing closed one nostril while forcing the contents of the open nostril out from the expulsion of air from a well filled set of lungs.
"Did you just Newfie snot on the floor?"

What?!? I was plugged up and it was bothering my breathing. Do you have a tissue?
by The Caper April 17, 2021
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