Uhm... Idk... Don't make me angry
What can Rochelle eat
Wes:What do you wanna eat baby.
Rochelle:Uhm... Idk
by @Raydonimous August 24, 2019
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When a right winger, Conservative, or
Republican attempts to avoid an issue by a weak deflection.
Example: "But what about...? these
parasitic corporations and the ultra wealthy who pay zero taxes from whom you take large campaign contributions?
You know the shadowy billionaire financial vampires who suck the wealth out of the system, keeping us all in a financially anemic state!

"But what about...? (Fill in lame deflection topic here) the people who commit fraud by going to food banks when they have resources? Those are

the ones who burden society!!
A "But what about...?" deflection can often be an outright lie, or something made up that is preposterous. The function is to get away from the point that cant be defended.
by ReallySUX2BUdontIt? August 3, 2022
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The only other thing to have is a woman letting you bang her. What else could he theoretically have?
Hym "What else do you have in your life? What else is there to have? Friends? Check. Family? Check. I don't like the effect they have on my life but they're there. Money? When I actually get paid for the work I do, yes. Accomplishments? I'm objectively one of the greatest writers in history of humanity. So, yes again. Hobbies? Yup. Genius intellect? Yessir. Magnificent penis? Obviously. Status? Doesn't exist but if it DID I would have more of it than everyone. Disciples? More than Jesus. Energy? The maximum amount of that. The real thick kind. It's pungent. The only things I DON'T have are women and Adderall and I only don't have them because YOU don't take instructions very well! I don't know if that's some kind of deformity or a malformed lobe or what but- Oh! An unyielding, ceaseless hatred for everything. I have that too! No 6 pack though... But that's fine... And you all definitely can be full of yourselves. I mean, a lot of you seem to think you have 'the right values' and that promotion of these values is commensurate with virtue and that your ability to promulgate these values and the money people through at you is evidentiary of some sort of cosmic deservedness and that you have some sort of responsibility to prevent people from promoting 'the wrong values' and in doing so you are controlling the minds of your viewers. That's your role in society to you. Controlling the people who watch your content by feeding them 'Good, healthy, positive thoughts.' "
by Hym Iam November 7, 2023
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When your phone autocorrects "what the fuck" and you decide to roll with it.
Friend: There was one manga that started with skater gangs throwing down for territory, and it ended with Obama body swapping with a Japanese girl and flying fortresses.
Me: What the Gucci?
by baklava_bear October 7, 2021
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Running from 2015 - 2017, "Whats up with" was a YouTube series by Peter Knetter. First episode "What's Up With: Sonic and the Black Knight" first aired on Nov 23 2015. The series was where Peter (Peter Knetter) talks to cardboard characters.

Peter (2015-17)
Silver (2015-17)
Shadow (2015)
Sonis (2015-2016)
Chuckles (2015-2016)

Mario (2016)
Nick (2017) *as of "Whats Up With: Sonic's Schoolhouse"*
"Whats Up With series" a YouTube series that is no longer being filmed
by aripods September 13, 2021
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Some add you will see on different kinds of websites. It’s clearly trying to make you horny. So you can click it.
What? how is it so big? Bitch I don’t know.
by Purplegreek August 8, 2022
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When you've encountered a potential lie or stretched truth.

When someone doesn't want to be honest with you, but you know better.
Zack: There's a cool Grand Opening happening here soon, do you wanna go?
Ben:(thinking) Yeah sure, we'll see what happens closer to the date..
Zack: Know what that means..
by Echo Nova August 18, 2021
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