if you want to prove a point or if you want to have a great comeback for a b*tch if you want to leave them speechless
if you want to be a boss ass b*tch then say wham bam thank u, next
b*tch friend: omg did u do this
b*tch friend: ok damn
by d4hlia February 28, 2019
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After intercourse with a beautiful woman you cry and say thank you so you ruin any chances with her forever.
"It was fine until he did the wet thank you and ruined the mood. Now she's back to being just my cousin."
by Dr.micuchysharri April 3, 2019
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A sex act defined by licking your partner's nipples while he or she masturbates him/herself to completion.
Too tired for sex? How about a quick Windsor thank-you and then we can binge watch The Office.
by Livinbytheriver January 15, 2016
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Originally, this is what people used to say after giving a long, nonprofit speech or lecture devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of powerful talks given at the main TED (technology, entertainment and design) annual event or one of its many satellite events around the world.

By 2015, This phrase then got broken down and used whenever people finished typing up an extensively long social media post.

Then, after like, 2018, this phrase got even more deteriorated (mainly by Gen Z or Gen X trying to sound like Gen Z) to the point that people now say it after saying a sentence, or, even worse, a sentence fragment because they think they’re being funny.
My boss kinda pisses me off. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk LOL I’m hilarious, time to go on social media for the next 7 hours.
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 7, 2023
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It's used when you say something important but that not many people consider or even think about.
thomas sharpe from crimson peak is one of tom hiddleston’s best characters please appreciate him and thanks for coming to my ted talk
by Linient May 31, 2018
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A stupid video in which a random girl "thanks" her friend or sister for her iPad not charging.
"Thanks a lot Rachel! Thanks to you, my chargers not charging..."*

Imagine in a bri'ish accent.
by S302304 November 23, 2021
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after someone says thanks and tells you to enjoy something, you might react by saying "you too"
might be embarrasing if you say "you too" to someone who isnt doing the same thing you are.
thanks and you too
by crystaldreamer12 September 16, 2021
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