Someone the multiverse agents are always after.
That guy/girl has been a multiverse agent magnet ever since he/she started trying to become the One.
by The Original Agahnim October 30, 2021
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A person (often times black), who attracts the leather end of a whip.
Did you catch my leather magnet out in the cotton fields? You know what they say: a whip a day keeps the leather magnets at bay.
by Racistsanta October 12, 2020
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where an elderly person is sexually attractive to an individual of some description
the dude thats banging barbara windsor is a sag magnet
by totalmeh123 March 5, 2011
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When babies and children always puke when your around or taking care of them.
I’m sorry Terry puked on you. He’s been fine all day. Your like a puke magnet.”
by Swordart 239 October 9, 2018
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A person who had the ability to attract popular people to them.
“Look, all the popular kids are coming over, thanks to the Magnet Man”
by MarinelliBomb October 25, 2019
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When your sex toy all go direct to the asshole like it’s magnetic!
Every sex toy seemed to find its way to my hole on it’s on like I had a fagnet magnet!
by Sretlawnats April 19, 2023
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A vehicle that gets pulled over or ticked frequently, either because it's clapped out or modded to the point where a cop might question if the vehicle is still street legal or roadworthy
John: Dude Chad just bought a 3rd gen Cummins from Sarahs mom.
Anyone with more than half a brain cell: What a fucking idiot that things such a cop magnet
by icantthinkofausername777 April 4, 2020
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