A phrase that means to engage in sexual intercourse with a virgin woman. When you have sex with her, you "poke her yolk." There are many variations of this phrase. For males, you can say "choke the yolk" or "stroke the yolk." And upon completion of the aforementioned activities, the "yolk is broke." Other words that rhyme with yolk that make for extremely entertaining sexual innuendos: stoke, toke, bloke, folk, and James Polk. This definition came into existence while three young men were eating breakfast at a small restaurant in Colorado on January 15th, 2010.
I was just finishing up my P.E. class when this girl decided to stroke my yolk. She asked me if I wanted to poke the yolk with her for a little while, but I just wanted my bloke choked and I declined. Unfortunately, though, I left before my yolk broke.
by Barbequed Yolk January 15, 2010
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Dublin slang for a skitsophrenic or mentally unstable person. Usually under exaggerated to refer to someone who is thinking something silly.

Mostly used by knackers
"Jonner, thats me hole not me gee ya bleedin mad yolk"
"Jonathan, it seems youve accidentally tried to make love to my bottom"
by womoma April 16, 2005
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The process of inserting a raw egg into a women's vagina and then punting her in the cunt. The yolk explodes and makes a mess everywhere. At that time, the man has vaginal sex with the woman and uses the messy yolk as lubricant.
The other day, my girlfriend was feeling freaky so I gave her a yolk joke. Needless to say, I used up an entire roll of paper towels. I then fell asleep inside of her.
by Kodboy April 11, 2009
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To grab someone, usually by the shirt or neck, and pick them up or against the wall.
I heard him talking shit, so I yolked him up.

He was fucking around and got yolked up by some dude.

I don't hit girls, but when she hit MY girl, I yolked her up.
by JustStitches November 30, 2013
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The slippy slimey substance that comes from one's asshole when having sex
Nathan:My girl got some nasty ass yolk

Darrel:Eww what the fuck
by AssYolkjr March 4, 2016
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Place of origin: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
The (probably imaginary) fetish of enlarging one's testicle(s), through lack of use or medical illness, to the point of cartoonish proportions. Then, once 'full', bursting said testicle(s) all over a sexual partner.
"I haven't had sex in so long, I may end up egg yolking the next girl I hook up with."
by Gimmick The Gnome April 25, 2010
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Prescription ADHD medication, specifically Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin), used for recreational use. The yellowish tint of the pill is compared to the embryonic yolk sac found inside an egg. Snorting the Folk Yolk is the ideal method of consumption, resulting in a custard-like mucus that drips from one's nostrils.

Side effects include: accelerated heart rate, hair loss, teeth/jaw grinding, increased sense of importance, inability to regulate voice volume, extended flaccid masturbation sessions, intimate conversations that could last several hours, inability to black out, ability to drink 40+ alcoholic beverages in the span of 8 hours, sadness, inability to utilize general discretion when scrolling through cellular contacts, involuntarily witnessing the sun rise.
"Hey, Chad is pretty intense tonight, do you think he ripped the Folk Yolk in his room?"

"All those boys do is play gamecube and rip Folk Yolk, why would we ever sleep with them?"
"But Becky, you slept with Chad last night..."
"Well that's different...I ripped the Folk Yolk last night."

(knock on door) "Hey it's Stan, can we come in?"
"They must be ripping the Folk Yolk."
by slimchaydy September 30, 2015
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