"What did the dolphin say when it broke the vase?"
"I don't know, what?"
"I didn't do it on porpoise!"
"Wow, that's a really good yoke!"
by Han Han March 30, 2008
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to place ones hands in the front pocket, or "yoke", of anothers sweatshirt and move it about
"we were spooning and yoking while i did her up the ass"
by -jessie- September 28, 2003
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Guy 1: Which is the egg yoke?
Guy 2: Its yolk, not yoke.
Guy 1: Oh, but still which one is the yolk?
Guy 2: That one.
by Spaoggers April 22, 2020
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Figuratively: The act of being fucked over, owned or turned down. Used in place of screwed.

Literally: Restrained, as in an ox.
A: "Man, did you see Matt at the show last night? He didn't get his tickets online and they were sold out at the door. "

"Yeah I saw him get out of line and call his mom to pick him up."

"That sucks dude, he got totally Yoked."

B: "Man that ox is so Yoked"
by Bluntman Chronchitis November 13, 2010
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Same a jokes, just sounds much cooler, and also makes you sound like you have an accent, which chicks love, or possibly a retard.
Allan:Yo man that bizzo was hot
Dan: Yokes on yokes (reversal, she was hot)
by Al Denso May 28, 2005
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To be high or drunk.
Dude 1: "Bro, I'm so yoked right now."
Dude 2: "Same here dude!"
by YatesXC27 October 13, 2009
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