Those that physically abuse female spouses.
The people in this room are known as wife beaters.
by a June 24, 2003
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Usually refers to Stella Artois which is a reasonably strong lager or any other strong lager or cider for the "wife" to drink and get drunk quite easy, so the man can have his way...
by LazyBoy December 2, 2004
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A abusive husband/boyfriend/lover who enjoys to abusive his beatiful wife. Often beats her with pillows,stuffed animals,his fist,and the back of his hand.
Husband:DAmn woman give me my f*****g breakfast
Wife: It's on the table get it yourself u damn immmigrant, im feeding the baby, doing the laundry, washing your nasty socks, nd feedeing dat damn dog...SPRINKLES get ur ass over here nd eat your damn food!
Husband:WOman! dont make me go wife-beater on you!
Wife: I wish you would...see what would happen...i wonder who would make your breakfast then.

by samela March 29, 2008
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something typically worn by guidos (b/c they're wife beaters). people who wear them can be all kinds of people not just guidos
Jim: Bob, look, a fat guido is wearing a wife-beater!
Bob: Cool, i will go get my baseball bat.
by wigger/guido hater March 29, 2008
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The term often given to the Belgian Lager Stella Artois. This is often drank by skinny white men who wear white ribbed vest and enjoy beating their wives.
Wetherspoons bar staff: Hello sir, what can I get you?
Dave: I’ll have a pint of Wife Beater please.
by Lime March 4, 2019
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A bum that wears Wal-Mart quality tank tops. Hits women and uses them as punching bags. Usually named Ray or Adrian or Chris Brown
by Woman disrespecter November 18, 2017
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They make shirts for wife beaters, but none for husband beaters, brother beaters, or sister beaters. Not everyone who wears the shirt wants to beat the shit out of somebody's wife.
Ronny- Andrew's outside in his wife beater, working on his car. The deadbeat piece of shit won't even put on a t shirt.
Chris- I heard he treats his sister worse than his wife and kids.
by Solid Mantis October 2, 2017
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