A single sheet of toilet paper folded twice, then while your still on the can and your anus is still flexed out, you place the paper(using your middle finger)at your asshole. As you stand your paper will get sucked up and stay there to prevent soil all day, or at least till full.
To prevent chaffing, use a wedge.
by your mom inc July 29, 2006
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When I was younger, my big brother used to give me a killer wedge every day. I hate that bastard.
by Nacho Dan June 15, 2004
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This word has two meanings.

1. Meaning a full belly of food.
2. Can be used to describe someone who is wealthy, because their wallet resembles the shape of a wedge.
1. Good dinner mom, my belly is fully wedged.

2. That dude has bank yo, his wallet is wedged.
by Quentin Daniel August 4, 2006
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1. a person whose presence reminds one of a wedgie
2. a person who invokes extreme discomfort and cannot be disposed of gracefully
"Damn! The Wedge is here!"
"Run before it's too late!"
by Erik and Brian January 22, 2004
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Luke Skywalker's mate from Star Wars, unlike most of the other Pilots he doesn't make the mistake of saying "I could take on the whole Empire myself" which guarantees a sudden death by Imperial laser cannon about 5 minutes later. Managed to survive the Death Star trench and the Hoth Battle, and the second Death Star attack. His full name is Wedge Antilles, which sounds like Mexican food. Also, he is a fat cunt and it's a wonder he ever managed to "Wedge" himself into the cockpit of his fighter.
"Wedge, tighten the straps and we'll hoist you out of the cockpit with a forklift. Hey - who ate all the space pies?!"
by justplainevil June 13, 2004
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