A method of getting high by rubbing toothpaste on ones nipples, Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles in the toothpaste enter the bloodstream and create an opiloid type high.
"Oh man im totally pasted right now"
"Toothpasting is so intense"
by highfives May 8, 2012
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When someone doesn’t shoot cum but squeezes it out of his dick like he’s getting the last bit of toothpaste out.
That porn scene cumshot was a bit of an anti climax, he was squeezing toothpaste.
by Muckyfingers82 August 23, 2021
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What happens when you've just placed toothpaste on your toothbrush, you get distracted by something in another room, and it falls off into the sink.
I had just put the paste on my brush when my roommate grabbed my attention, and right before he finished speaking, I heard a splat. The toothpaste I had just put on my brush had decided it didn't want to go in my mouth, so it committed Toothpaste Mutiny.
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When you cut open an empty tube of toothpaste to get the last little bit
Instead of going to the store for toothpaste like an adult, I've just been toothpaste fracking for the last couple days
by AyAron87 March 14, 2022
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When one ejaculates on a toothbrush and either they or another person brushes their teeth with it.
Tom wanted to get revenge on his roomate Adam. So early in the morning before work, Tom pretended to be taking a shit. While in the bathroom, he grabbed Adam's toothbrush and gave it a bit of salty toothpaste.

A little while later, Adam was brushing his teeth. "Did this toothpaste taste salty to you Tom?" Adam yelled from the bathroom.
Tom giggled quietly before answering back, "I didn't notice, maybe it's the baking soda"
"You son of a bitch Tom! You put salty toothpaste on my toothbrush" Adam yelled
Tom just laughed.
by Nutzen YerMouf June 10, 2017
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adventurous gentleman seeking self pleasure while showering applies a generous amount of toothpaste with hand before bashing the bishop .
( also known as mint cock )
That man's being a cock womble

hasn't left is nuts alone for 5 minutes .
probably had a toothpaste wank this morning .

toothpaste wank may lead to crotch smelling of mint
by Trentbridge Troll July 11, 2015
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A defecation that is so sticky you just can't seem to wipe up and get yourself clean.
I'm all itchy down there from that toothpaste turd this morning.
by Eaton Holgoode March 1, 2017
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