fo sho...or also used to say shit
that ass is bangin
"fo shizzle"
oh shizzle my nizzle
by ***** July 8, 2003
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It means the same as shiz and shit and it is used when you don't want to swear.
by NatashaMelissa April 3, 2011
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A word expressing amazement. Used as a substitute for the word "shit".
Steve: "Did you hear Joe got arrested?"

Chris: "Shizzle! Are you for real?"
by Katerin31 January 13, 2010
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The moment where you are absolutely flabbergasted. It can also be used as an insult which has no exact meaning.
by Shalluhad July 11, 2017
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When you walk into your house pull out your litter and burn your three hours of homework
Me: hi mom i’m Home.
Mom: do I smell smoke?
Me: no.
Drop your homework in the trash
Mom: are you pulling a shizzle
by Jorman Thode jr May 1, 2019
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(Melbourne Australia shaolin dialect) to relieve oneself of pent up liquids within the body
geez mate i drank too much.....hang here guys, i need to go shizzle
by Mikey July 17, 2003
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Shizzle, a cross between shit and fizzle, is used as every part of speech that "Fuck" is used as... meaning EVERYTHING! In fact, you can just add izzle to make it tizzizite... watch the mad-gic.
"Fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle."
"Check out this shizzlin dizzle nizzle, its fo rizzle"
"Shut the shizzle up, you son of a bizzle!"
"Go to hizzle!"
by Pun Dawgy Dawg May 21, 2004
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