the hand scanner used at several stores. this is a better name for it than simply a 'hand scanner'
Customer: Do i need to put this pop on the belt?
Karla(cashier):No, i can have John scan it with the clicker thingy
John: Yay!
by J.o.h.n.G February 1, 2009
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Prounounced (thing-e ma-gig-ar) a term used for when you forget the name of an object
Rose: Give me those thingy Majigar over there!
Steven:okay here’s the paint...
by Thecrazysarcasmgirl February 7, 2018
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"Zebra thingy" is another word for traffic light.

Used when an idiot doesn't know what a traffic light is called.
Mark: I'm going to be stuck here for hours because of this zebra thingy!

Dan: Zebra what?

Mark: Oh, I meant traffic light.
by CDEPT November 18, 2022
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1) an object that one can't recall the actual word to correctly identify said object.

2) A word to use in place of the correct terminology of an object in order to trivialize or belittle it's importance
My boss asked me to review some of his paperwork on his day off, but those thingy boppers take too much time away from my work.
by Pamann October 19, 2010
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When two people who are unable to date, are stuck in the world of: "I like you, but I can't date you" and so they have to proceed with their relationship (Intense liking, but acting like friends) until their circumstances change.
Yeah man.....his parentals said they couldn't date so they have a relationship thingy rn.
by Awkward words specialist November 9, 2016
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Having so much luck condensed into one action that shouldn't be physically possible happen often.
Nice no-scope gamer!, You just pulled an Aqip thingie!
by bonke February 17, 2021
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the place on myspace where people write in how they feel or what they are doing.
Tom's status-thingy said that he was fornicating.

example: " Tom is fornicating. "
by iz the diz March 19, 2008
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