No wonder there were so many toss pots around town tonight - some dickwad monkey lover put a Westlife concert on at the CIA
by Jism April 9, 2003
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Cardiff International Arena

Arena, in Cardiff, where bands play
Oh butt! Comin to the gig tonight at the CIA?
by oink July 27, 2004
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Central Intelligence Agency in the USA.
Natalia Notkina is not allowed in the CIA under Monique's orders.
by cookie monster 1993 August 12, 2010
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Use this to tell a little bitch to go Cry in a shower.
stfu I hate you!
go cias emo.
by SamSwashbuckler June 11, 2008
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this word is alot like or it means totally awesome. basically the coolest thing ever. or it could be just a really great time.
dude. i cant believe you just did that. you are so

dude that band totally rocked. totally
by angela June 12, 2004
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Me texting my friends about my day and I spell somthing wrong i have to say cia renita
by Jdksusjfb January 31, 2021
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A division of an intelligence agency or entity who's primary purpose is to create the illusion of, or appearance of, a real threat for the purpose of consumption by the general population, while conducting clandestine operations which are often in opposition to the benefit, needs, or desires of the general population. Also Al CIA-duh!
Al Qaeda attacked the United States on 9/11? Give me a break! The U.S. military was conducting wargames on that morning, there were eyewitnesses who testified regarding bombs in the WTC towers, there were advanced intelligence warnings by multiple nations regarding the attacks, and every other time an aircraft has gone off course, military fighters have been sitting off of the airplane's wing in a matter of minutes. With that military budget, they were unable to defend against alleged attacks by goat herders in Afghan caves and camel jockies from the desert? Good thing it wasn't a major power who attacked us (with sarcasm)! Al Qaeda my ass. More like Al CIA-duh!
by Alpha Aquarius October 7, 2008
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