Code term for smoking marijuana. Used around teachers, parents, and authority officials.
"Hey man, lets go shopping over the weekend. They just got some great stuff in at the 'store'"
by Lindsey DeSilvio November 25, 2006
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The act of totally powning noobs on a video game.
Jimmy was shopping Johnny in Halo 2
by Morman June 20, 2005
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the act of hesitantly attending and abandoning multiple social gatherings until one is deemed worthy of staying or the list of alternatives has been exhausted.
Yo, is that motherfucker shopping right now? Tell him/her to sit his/her ass down and stop pretending like he/she has somewhere better to be!
by cbrown_uws October 30, 2012
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The product amassed from a day out at the shops. A term discovered at Fifth Avenue and 56th Street on a recent summer day amid of gaggle of tourists.
Woman, holding up Barneys bag: "Babette! Look at my shoppings!"
by zooa November 3, 2003
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checking out and hooking up with very fine hot ass mexican guyz.
let's go "shopping"
by Coerliala May 31, 2004
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When someone leaves a VP battle based on the, “SOS Card” reward, leaving all the others to fight the VP without them.

Originating in the game ToonTown Online, and ToonTown Rewritten, it is generally frowned upon by the community, and is sometimes looked at as a form of “greening.” (Deliberately making a toon go sad.)
We were doing a VP last night and we kept seeing too many players shopping every time I joined a random battle. DAMN YOU SHOPPERS!
by Justicewithtacosandweed November 25, 2019
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To be "in the shop" means that one is recovering from a particularly brutal hangover. Usually seen lying on the bed, couch, floor, etc. covered head to toe with a blanket. Similar to putting your car in the shop for a tuneup, but your body (especially your liver) is getting the tuneup.
Todd: Hey Kevin, where's Rob? He was pretty drunk last night.
Kevin: I dunno, last I saw him he was lying on the couch covered completely in a blanket.
Todd: Oh, he must be in the shop.
by DarkRob2000 May 1, 2006
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