tongue deformity resulting from severe dehydration during teabagging.
That girl's got a bad case of scrotal tongue..must have had a rough night.
by Nurse Betty June 20, 2007
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Shoving your sack in his/her ass
He is walking like he just had scrotal sex
by YarrumEkul October 17, 2005
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The sudden recollection of long past memories due to testicular blunt force trauma.
I can't stop thinking about pet rocks... and my balls hurt. Scrotal recall!
by C. More Hedgpeth May 18, 2008
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Carnage or painful excitement in the scrotal area. Can be caused by a number of different sensations including the scrotal jackhammer and getting your testes ripped of by an angry girrafe/scorpion.
I hope you get scrotal carnage you burnt shit gay-face
by Squid December 12, 2004
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A fancy name for a man's pubes. Other names include scrote fuzz, hairy peaches, and or the lion's mane (as you can imagine). Great care and landscaping are encouraged for this ball hair. A weekly scrubbing should remove most viscous fluids from the fur.
Wow this shampoo is excellent at decreasing my scrotal fur!
by U w0t M8? April 20, 2015
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One's testicles found in the male body; Just below the penile area.
Yo man, my scrotal beans are so itchy and bloody
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When a man performs a discreet shimmy in order to remove the nut sack from sticking to he's leg,without actually touching his balls.
Hey Dave what was that little dance you just did in aid of?
Oh it was a scrotal shimmy as my balls stuck to my leg.
by September 4, 2016
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