I am the proud Father of three children, one of whom has Downs Syndrome.This is a genetic defect in which the child has an extra chromosome.

My son is labled by society as being retarded. This is measured by standard I.Q. tests that have been developed for many purposes but for too long now have been used to simply lable people.

If you met my son I would hope that you would get to see the person that I see. I don't see the physical characterisitics that might cause you to be uneasy around him or to avoid him but I see the perfection of what was intended for people to be.

My son will greet you with a smile that can light up the world. If he has met you once he will remember your name and be geniunely glad to see you. He knows your moods before you do and wants to see you happy. My son will easily tell you he loves you if that is how he really fells and he greets people with the best hugs you'll ever get from anyone.

My sons emotional intelligence is off the charts. He loves people and when some are rude to him he forgives and moves on. To meet him once is to never forget him and to meet him twice is to always be in love with him.

He is excited by life and to many times life tries to beat him down, take his spirit, and turn him into societys label of what he should be. My Son is better then what society wants for him and he fights it back like no one else I have ever seen.

So my defintion of Retarded is not one of something negative but of something to be celebrated. My defintion of Retarded is "Love in it's purest form."
It seems to me we could use more retarded people in this world.

Don't ever let anyone define you.
by Proud Dad April 12, 2007
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\ri-'tärd\ vb : to hold back : delay the progress of.

Or probably what you actually looked the word up for:

adj. : slow or limited in intellectual, emotional, or academic progress.
Often times, retard is used as a slur. That's probably why you looked this up, but I thought it'd be funny to give an actual definition to it as well. So yeah, you learned something! It's not always a slur, sometimes it's used to mean something else, too. But under those contexts, it's best to use "slow" or "delay" as opposed to this word, due to the negative connotation this word holds bu default.
by Magic kitty April 9, 2022
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1) to be slow( in mind)
2) the proper word for deseleration as oppose to acceleration
1) no comment for the word retardation
2) used in distance- time graphs
by Ajn0007 June 27, 2009
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It means "very stupid" but in a more hilarious, weird, and/or spontaneous way. From the Latin word for "slow".

If you want to tick off a politically correct person, just say it. They think it's mean because people with mental problems are not always stupid, except you can't call those people "retarded" in the first place, and nobody cares anyway. Plus, once again, it's from the Latin word for "slow".
*Guy 1 is dancing very strangely.*
Guy 2 to Guy 3: Look at Guy 1 dancing like he's retarded.
by Morshu34576345624555555 October 21, 2013
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A mix between "rhetorical" and "retarded", usually used to describe a rhetorical question that makes no sense.
David, stop asking such retardical questions!
by boysnoggage December 5, 2004
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(a.k.a. R-word)
1. Used to describe someone less mentally and/or physically developed than others of their age. This term is now considered derogatory. (Also can be used as a noun.)
2. A generic insult or emphasis to describe how stupid/appalling/etc. something or someone is.

3. To have been slowed down/delayed.
1. This student is mentally retarded, so he is in a different class.
2. This movie was so retarded! The acting, story, and special effects sucked!
3. The famine retarded the growth of population.
by AFN7 December 25, 2015
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To be tarded twice..
John who is tarded.. is now retarded
by Rob March 15, 2004
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