emmission or expulsion of air from the vagina, often during of after sexual intercorse or (less often) other sexual acts, stretching or exercise. the sound is often comparable to flatulence from the anus but does not involve waste gases and thus often has no specific odor associated. can be a verb or noun
She queefs so loud. When she was exercising i heard a loud queef.
by Serbian Mafia April 8, 2007
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When having sexual intercourse, and penetration is involved, the penis often creates an air pocket in the vagina. When air is forced in or out too quickly, a suction nois occurs: commonly referred to as a queef.
I queefed so hard last night, it was incredible!
by Queefy McFarterson May 24, 2005
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everyone has defined it as occurring after sex but it has only happened to me when doing leg exercises....you know those stupid-ass bicycle style ones.
I was distracted when air shot out from South of the equator as I was trying to get serious about exercising.
by Hootie October 8, 2003
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1. The sound made when air exits the vagina forcibly enough to be audible.
2. A very brief sound of unknown origin emitted by a sound system, a cell phone, computer speakers, or some other source of artificial sound.
1. Her vagina let go a little queef after intercourse.
2. My cell phone just queefed--what were you saying?
by the other theo July 1, 2004
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I fucked Nates mom so hard she couldnt help but rip the biggest fuckin queef i have ever heard
by Jeremy April 5, 2003
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A fart that comes out of your vagina. Can make sex awkward.
EW! Olga, did you just fart?

Olga: No, silly! That was just a queef.
by Jay Crapsby November 16, 2014
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Air expelled from the vagina, sometimes mistaken from a fart. Air is sucked into the vaginal opening when a foreign objectt is pushed in from a certain angle creating a vacumm. The release of air causes a farting noise. Queefs are common during sexual intercourse (especially the acrobatic kind) and even after if air is still trapped.
"You didn't push it in all the way so the sound you heard when you withdrew was a queef, not a fart"
by Anya Ali January 3, 2003
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