Someone that is so swag that majority of the population can’t handle it. Someone that causes the girls to go crazy and the boys crazier.
by Illinois hate August 29, 2021
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slang term for a shithole and council run
u deffo live in patios u sket
by May 10, 2022
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A British sounding way used to bid someone farewell. Despite appearing professional, this phrase use is really rather common.
"alr im gonna head out"
by Jacob Connor September 20, 2022
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Beautiful girls or eye-catching men at the front door of a restaurant who talk to people walking by. Also, a particularly stunning customer maybe given a table next to a window to attract attention.
As Tommy walked home from the office, he would always stop for a beer at the steakhouse when Jeanette was welcoming customers. The beer was over priced but the view made it worth it. Tommy knew he always fell for the Parrot on the Patio sales technique.
by Cordoan June 10, 2018
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Another SUNDAY where the patio with the RED WINDOW shade is lifted by THE SWAN.
Hey another AARON PATIO PECKHAM and we can split together for your DIGS of your SUNNY URBAN PICK.
by DEFINITION DOMINANT October 2, 2021
Slapped patio head is referring to head that is being given on a patio. It is in reference to the gayest Smiths song ever 'Reel Around The Fountain'. If someone wants to slap you on a patio, they are probably wanting to give you the best head ever.
Sam: 15 minutes with you..
Hailey: Oh, it looks like she wants some slapped patio head!
Emma: I don't blame her...
by jeffbuckleygoesmeow June 29, 2023
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