Someone who is sexually attracted to their own mother.
The Mexican jank is always having sex with his mother.
by SauceFish November 15, 2020
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a synonym for "junk."
That car's jank!

translates to:

That car looks like a piece of junk!
by Starlet1821 October 7, 2006
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verb; to steal anything from anybody, usually from a friend
example- Stop trying to jank my pop. He tried to jank my wallet but i stopped the bastard in his tracks.
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Adj. - Cheesy and low-budget, bad quality, typically associated with films.
We rented a really jank movie last night. We turned it off because it was so bad.
by Dan July 24, 2003
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That is some kind of janke skirt she's got on.
by Rob Brinson January 20, 2007
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Being janked refers to being extremely fucked up, as in being extremely drunk or otherwise intoxicated.
"Man, I'm so janked."
"Yeah me too. I'm jankity janked"
by Messed Jessed August 20, 2009
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