Olli means totally perfect. Usually given to the mightiest and strongest males. Often males named Olli, achieve great things in life. I suggest you should name your male babies "Olli"
Guy 1: Do You know that Guy? That Guy with big muscles?

Guy 2: Yea, his Olli.
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A good bestfriend and love u the way u are and is always there for u
I love my bestie Ollie
Ollie is such a good person
by CameronBoyce February 18, 2020
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Ollie is an ancient name deriving from Yeast language that means 'sexy beast'. He is often very strongly opinionated and political but also very funny and attractive. An Ollie always has beautiful hair. They are Gods on Earth. If you ever meet an Ollie, you are blessed, and should ask them out immediately.
Person 1: Yo man did you see that sexy guy over there?
Person 2: Yeah dude, he's an Ollie.
Person 1: Oh, yeet.
by DirectionAndMagnitude69 January 2, 2019
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Deprived from olive tree. Sweet, lovable, girl of high standards. Loves her friends but can be a real bitch sometimes. The one that always gets away.
Knows what she wants and knows how to get it.
Dude, that girls a total Ollie!
by daisies and sunflowers November 5, 2010
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a massive vector looking sexy boy who is the most fucking sexy kid you will ever meet
15 years old and likes to bang chicks named cerys and james Charles
has the longest dick you ever saw
cerys: have you seen olly over there he's so fucking fit
me: that's vector
by vector lover December 14, 2020
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One of the kindest people you’ll ever meet. He has an amazing heart and is always willing to help you. He can put a smile on your face as well as make you laugh. He has brown hair and brown eyes (sometimes blonde hair) he has the most kind personality and he’s such a good friend. When you have an Ollie in your life don’t let him go because he can help you in so many ways and make you happy.
Friend 1: Ollie can you help me with something?
*One millisecond later*
Ollie: Yeah what do you need?
by Tacklemackacle March 29, 2021
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