Dislike, fear, hatred, prejudice and/or disapproval of gays and/or homosexuality, often (but not always) for religious reasons or because of insecurity about one's sexual orientation.

Many people who suffer from homophobia do not realize it and even deny it. Others will kill gays or make false accusations about them..
"He's homophobic. Not because he's scared of them, but because he hates them."
by Evsever May 30, 2020
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n. One who experiences an irrational reaction of panic, revulsion, fear or anger when confronted with the idea of homosexuality. This often manifests as an aggressive obsession to marginalize, deny, disenfranchise or denigrate gay/lesbian people, in the effort to distance one's self from the source of one's emotional distress. Homophobia is often thought to be rooted in an intense fear that one is also capable of experiencing unwanted homosexual attraction, or in unease over being confronted with one's own sexual doubt and insecurity.
A cultural environment that is tolerant of the homophobe leads to a civic environment that establishes a second-class status for gay and lesbian citizens.
by JK February 1, 2004
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An easy insult to hurl at your political enemies.
"He doesn't believe gays have a part in the institution of marriage? Must be a homophobe."
by SalientAlien December 2, 2005
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A person who hates or dislikes gay people and is often attacked for it by said people who claim they're all about tolerance and acceptance yet they're bullying, harassing, cancelling, censoring,ostrachizing and overall attacking those who do not fit their agenda and are the said word.

Being a hypocritical bullying bigot sure is fun for lgbt.
A:"I don't like gays, they're gross and annoying"
by Vriska Lee August 22, 2022
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A person who has a fear or hatred of homosexuals or homosexuality, for whatever reason. This is usually based on misconceptions of homosexuality.
That guy is a homophobe because he thinks all gay guys want him. I mean if no girls even want him, what makes him think any guy's gonna want him.
by Bryanablo September 30, 2003
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"Hey, have you heard? Bush is gonna try to make sure that gay people can never get married legally, and he says he's doing it because gay marriage is a threat to marriages between straight people. That's crap--how can a couple of gay people getting married possibly interfere with me and my girlfriend's wedding plans? He's just doing it 'cause he's a homophobe."
by Rabid Caterpillar February 27, 2004
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A derogatory name for a person who finds homosexual activities offensive, deviant, perverted and/or immoral - whether based on a religious or non-religious viewpoint.

It is an inaccurate and poorly named term, as these people, in most cases, do not exhibit an irrational phobia or fear of homosexuals as the term implies. Their views can indeed be proven to be rational in most cases.

"Homophobes" are very often derided by intolerant people, who in their hypocrisy preach a doctrine of tolerance - i.e. that all other people should be tolerant of their pro-homosexual world-views, but cannot have differing world-views of their own. "Homophobes" are often labeled as bigoted by people who are themselves bigots and religiously-intolerant.

In the case of the Christian religion who are often labeled "homophobes", by definition a christian is not a hater of homosexuals, but of homosexual acts. Infact, there is no distinction between any perverted sexual acts, whether homosexual or heterosexual. All these are abhorred, but the person who does these is not.
"Please don't push your pro-homosexual world-view on me, I am trying to work."
"You homophobe! You intolerant hater!"
"I don't fear or hate you. I just have a different world-view, and I am busy."
"You bigoted christians are all the same!"
"Look dude, the workplace is not the appropriate pulpit for your agenda."
by BURNiN4TOR August 4, 2005
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