A Mickey Mouse Win refers to a win that was given to someone in a competition with little to no effort; In other words an undeserved win. The phrase is used most notably when referring to the Mickey Mouse ring or The Lakers during the 2020 season who many claim were given the ring due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Term is also heavily used in NASCAR and online games/sports of all genres although use is more heavy in sport/competition related games typically with some type of leaderboard. If a person were to get a Mickey Mouse Win in any event, That Same person will be mocked and people will find a way to add "Mickey" and or "Mouse" to their name . Such examples include "LeMickey and the Flakers" and "Mickey Elliott". People will often associate these mickey hybrid characters with made up stories as another way of mocking them, People also edit the mickey teams faces onto Mickey Mouse Clubhouse music videos.
Jimmie Johnson: *Pushes Chase Elliott across the finish line as an act of good sportsmanship because elliott ran out of fuel*

Spectator 1: That win was mickey as fuck.

Spectator 2: I know right? That's such a Mickey Mouse Win.

Twitter: UNBELIEVABLE. I took my son to go to see a movie and who do I see? Mickey Elliott. He stole the tickets and Disney ring pops we had to go see "LeMickey And The Flakers vs. COVID-19". So I went up to the security of the movie theater to report it and who was it?!? Jimmie johnson?!?! MINNIE JOHNSON WAS IN ON IT AND LEFT WITH MICKEY ELLIOTT. Screw you frauds!
by g0rd0n_freeman August 21, 2021
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Fans of Alex "iPad Kid" Quackity manifest a Mickey Mouse stream after he uses a high pitched voice to imitate the popular cartoon character Mickey Mouse.
"Mickey Mouse Stream! Let's go! Popping off!" says George.
by quackitys mom April 15, 2021
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a really scuffed / messed up stream, paralleling the motifs of mickey mouse. it is also commonly referred to as a Scooby Doo stream, and is used especially when referring to the streamer Quackity.
"Ayo, did you see Quackity's stream yesterday?"
"Yeah dude, I hated it. Total Mickey Mouse Stream if you ask me."
by calbruh April 15, 2021
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Term used to describe the childish actions of an adult.
Bob: Your telling me he tattled on you?

Jim Bo: Yeah, ain't that some Mickey Mouse Shit?
by OmegaSeabee September 11, 2008
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Mickey from NYC alert, 8rz aka Brandon. Is a Mickey who sold pandas for $220.
Nah man how he bragging bout skipping a concepts line but it went OOS before he got in, what a Mickey Mouse reseller
by Real reseller January 18, 2022
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mickey mouse bullcrap a less offensive term for mickey mouse bullshit something that is irritating or slightly annoying
my ex started an argument with me i told her i dont have time for this mickey mouse bullcrap
by bluebear September 9, 2022
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A polite alternative to calling a frustrating situation a cluster fuck. This is acceptable to use around children.
Trying to rent my books for classes is always a Mickey Mouse Operation.
by The Ulicycle May 6, 2015
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