1. Very
2. More then needed
The Bay is hella better then the LA. Wait I am from LA yes i said it.
by TikalPUnchYoLightsOut April 21, 2003
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means like hell, the sentence box will help you understand
examples, "My pp hella hard", "these new airpods are hella cool"
by I did ur mother at November 23, 2021
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The word originated in Oakland, in the 70's. I grew up there, and i never heard it used anywhere else until hella years later.
by mark knudsen June 18, 2005
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A popular slang word used to express emphasis.
Primarily spoken in the Bay Area of California especially Berkeley.
That party last night was hella tight!

Man,I'm feel'n hella bad today.

I want it hella fat!

He's hella bad ass!

My ride is hella fast!
by niried June 15, 2007
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A Northern California slang word for "very", "really", "alot"
"thats hella good"

"i hella want that hello kitty necklace"
by FUNDYN September 30, 2009
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word used commonly in St.Louis meaning excessive or a large amount
(The difference between hella and hellas is hella is only used in the middle of a sentence and hellas is only used at the end of a sentence - dont get them confused cus if u say somethin like "She hellas ugly" you'll sound like a dumbass)
She be talkin hellas. or She hella ugly.
by stlG.H.O.S.T. January 13, 2007
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