geeze cant we all just get along . you like halo 2 . you like half life 2 . thier both video games not weapons of mass destruction.
wanna play halo life 3
by ben dover April 14, 2005
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1. A kickass game that inspired much contreversy (see. Halo 2 for example), but which had a ridiculously crappy ending which my friends and I have been complaining about since Nov. 9.

2. The sequel to Halo: Combat Evolved.

3. X-Box's 2005 heavy-weight.

4. A game equal in greatness to Half-Life 2.

5. The reason in never go outside.

6. Best. Multiplayer. Game. Ever.
1. You gonna go play Halo 2?
Hells yeah.
Didn't the ending suck balls?
Hells yeah.

2. My friend sold Halo because he had Halo 2.

3. Halo 2 makes GC fanboys cry, and thats funny.

4. Halo 2 = Half-Life 2 >= everything except hentai.

5. Come outside!
Why not!?
Halo 2!

6. Halo 2 on Live = 5 centillion centillion times Halo 2 campaign.
by VOCOR_ARCHIVE_SYSTEM January 25, 2005
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The greatest sequel to the greatest game ever.

If all of you Half-Life fans who have never even played Halo 2 continue to dis it, I will personally HUNT YOU DOWN.
by Cortana Dragoon June 25, 2005
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The fucking best game ever. Period. I am going to stop writing now. Halo 1 is pretty good too.
My girlfriend wanted me to come over, but I told her to go fuck herself because I was playin halo 2.
by gamertag *Halo4Dummies* April 10, 2006
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halo 2 is a sequal to halo, combat evolved....i love the's amazing...playable online, the game offers objective games such as capture the flag, assault, and game types like jaggernaut
"hey evan long" says jason schriber
"wanna play some halo 2 online?" says evan
"heck yes i do, what do you think?" jason replies
"shotgun anus!!" calls evan
by evan long January 21, 2005
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Halo 2 is the sequel to Halo Combat Evolved, for the X-box,made by Bungie, known to be one of the best first shooter games out there. Halo 2 was released on November 9th, 2004. It continues the story of what happened on Halo and how it was destroyed. Halo 2 focuses more on the Covenant then in Halo, which focused mostly on Spartan-117. Many Halo players complain that Halo 2 should have focused more on Earth and Spartan-117. Halo 2 ends with a cliff-hanging end where it does not give you enough detail of what happened to Halo and Earth. It leaves you wanting more, which Halo 3, for the X-box 360, will finish Halo 2's ending. Halo 2 is rated M for blood, violence, and language. Overall, the game is made very well, other then the short compaign.
"dude, i like got a plasma rifl from like a elit!! i'm totaly sweeeeet. i can lik own u dude"

"No, your an idiot because i'll snipe you dead before you get close to me! Hahahaha"

"im reporting u fore sanging dead OMG@!!!! bugnie goin ban ya from halo 2"
by Someonenob95 March 8, 2006
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The G0d of all games
Halo 2 pwnz j00 PS2!
by MonJoe May 16, 2003
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