81 definitions by ben dover

a device used by a donnachie to provide sexual pleasure to his watt
oh mike, i dont want to appear soft in front of you, can i shove my truncheon up your arse?
by ben dover July 5, 2004
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something to say after getting a girl up the ass
I guy is pumping a girl in the ass but she says stop cuz she cant handle the dick so he said " Got'Em!"
by ben dover May 23, 2003
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who to blame when your job has been sent to Asia
I had a good paying job until walmart opened
by ben dover January 20, 2004
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who to blame when your job has been sent to Asia
I had a good paying job until Wal-Mart came to town, now I'm on welfare.
by ben dover January 20, 2004
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a gay food usually served as an entree and followed by an carrot cake for dessert.
When Joey had Elliot over for tea, he prepared a delicious spinach quiche.
by ben dover January 11, 2004
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