punch the bitch in the mouth then knocking out all of her teeth and blood start to flow from the mouth...She proceeds to suck your cock...The Bloody Gummer
blowjob with no teeth and blood "bloody gummer"
by Jays drunk January 26, 2009
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An old woman. Referring to them being so old they have dentures. AKA, G.I.L.F. Grandmother I'd Like to Fuck
This weekend I had sex with a granny gummer.
by Papi Chulo 79 July 28, 2006
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All around nice bloke! Enjoys mild, and makes humerous 80's programming related picture jokes...
I had a pint of mild with burt gummer
by Big Al June 17, 2004
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The color a set of lips turn after being wrapped around a cock an extended amount of time.
"I don't like when I turn into a blue gummer since the tingling and numness keep my lips uncomfortable."
"I get off when a girl or guy is a blue gumming on my cock."
by Bart June 5, 2003
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A toothless hooker that sucks so much dick her gums turn blue for the night . Usually found hanging outside of a crack den or cheap motel
Yo chukka , did you see that blue gummer on the corner . Bet she can suck the soul right out of you Nukka . You got change for a dollar .
by BlaineDamage October 11, 2021
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1. Anything you can slurp through a straw;

2. Food you find in a nursing home;

3. Anything you don't need teeth to eat;

4. Gunk; 5. Sloppy joes 6. Soup;

7. Anything that mimics food that can be eaten at the senior center.
The dentist said I should eat gummer food for a few days.
My wife eats gummer food all the time.
The baby is off of gummer food and we have switched to solid foods.
Grandpa lost his false teeth and has to eat gummer food
by Sm_Bruner December 8, 2013
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This nasty lady at wal mart who has no teeth and she's old and hits on young men and licks her gums while she macks it to them.
"That gross lady licking her gums wanted you Dave she was a Wal Mart Gummer."
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