45 definitions by Bart


An Irish rural persons attempt at the word Ham, most commonly used in reference to a sandwich or 'sammich' to make a hangsammich the staple diet of all red necks making the trip to Dublin to watch "de hurlin" a gladiatorial style of combat that makes Russell Crowe look like a big pansy
Here Boy get that washp away from my hangsammich
by Bart September 23, 2004
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to get stole or or have something happen to you that you didn't expect
"Brotha man wuz just walkin along and this dude came outta nowhere and snuck him in his jaw and took all his loot
by Bart April 14, 2003
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Irish slang word for a violent punch or slap.
That bollix was annoying the shit out of me so I hit him a flake.
by Bart September 28, 2004
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To invite yourself into a conversation. to chime in, to come in with being invited etc. May be told to chime out, if you chimed in
josh: hi rick
rick; hey slong
josh: what u do on the weekend
*chris runs up and stands inbetween them both and says*
chris: i went on the boat
rick: chime out chris
by Bart September 30, 2003
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someone who is super hot.
like a radiator.
girl: yo. what up?

guy: did it hurt when you fell? you know, the fall from heaven? cuz girl, you must be an angel.

girl: nah, i'm just schwank that's all.
by Bart May 3, 2003
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Sneaky Snake

One who creeps through the grass on his soft under-belly.
Sneaky Snake is creaping up alongside the truck. Guess it's time to do a little snake-huntin!!
by Bart July 2, 2003
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kit kat

the act of 'poking' your hand up somebody's bum bum.
similar to a credit card but without the slide action.
gimme a break. gimme a break. stop f*#@ing kit kating me.
by Bart April 17, 2003
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