a system of understanding a language using proper sentence structure, uses of words and their functions in a sentence, spelling, and other things.
Grammar is sometimes thought of as obsolete because it seems that no one cares to use it anymore. However, there is nothing wrong with abandoning grammar online because that is it what it is meant for! All of you who are making fun of people who use abbreviations on the internet are stupid, because that is the point, you are supposed to be able to say things quicker, even if it means spelling "for" as 4!
by Exhoc December 20, 2005
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The whole dating/girl-and-guy-liking-each-other scenario.
There was so much grammar goin' on at the dance!
by the Society to Prevent Boredom January 21, 2006
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(v). to royally pwn someone on a forum because you know more than they do on a subject, and you have proof, plus you do so eloquently. Often results in "kudos" from other people, if you really are right about something.
1. She totally grammard all over his ass because he'd only seen two episodes of the show, when she owned the entire boxed set on DVD.

2. I could kick you in the shins and grammar all over you.

3. Never argue with a nerd about cartoons. Ever.
by potato-sensei November 18, 2006
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Something that long ago would roam the world. Much like dinosaurs; i.e. and extinct species.
A: lolz. wuts grammar?

B: uhmm idk! haha lol.
by Jenerz March 25, 2011
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something we don't give a shit for.....not even at school
Teacher: you failed your test today because of your atrocase grammar
Student: yea well i don giv a shit fo it anymor and stik that in ur pipe and smok it wed woeman
by robbie regan March 7, 2007
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to change or modify an existing word to suit a new tense or preticite that does not presently exist.
Bushism is when "W" changes a word to fit a meaning that does not exist.
by Chaos November 23, 2004
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