“You’re going to go get boxed on a Friday or Saturday night. You don’t want to say you lost your shield when you were out drinking, so you carry a dupe.” -- Louis R. Anemone, a former NYPD chief of department, quoted in the New York Times in an article about fake badges carried by police officers
by Blue439 December 1, 2009
by Beau LeBlanc June 2, 2005
by milk maker June 7, 2005
by Dan Hates You May 8, 2005
To not be able to move after smoking marijuana. Such as a boxer when he tries to get up after getting knocked out. He is "boxed" out.
by nitemarenme33 March 24, 2009
When my stats teacher started talking about Sampling Distributions in class the other day, I was completely boxed. I had NO idea what she was saying.
I'm so boxed when I watch Games of Thrones. Like, who can keep all those different characters straight?
I'm so boxed when I watch Games of Thrones. Like, who can keep all those different characters straight?
by gatsbygirl506 March 8, 2021
To be punched up in the face
by Mickey Kay January 12, 2005