A baller & pimp that kicks ass in basketball...
by huy April 17, 2004
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This world now has only got 2 meanings in China.
1. a kind of creature that do not exist long time ago
2. a kind of creature that still exist now and will always be there--ugly woman( either in face or in figure)
And it seems that the 2nd meaning is much more used in daily life because man talked about women much more than they talked about biology.
And it seems that there are only two kinds of women in China--either godess or dinosaur, it seems that the trend is: if you are not beautiful enough, althogh you may have other stengths, you will probably be called a "dinosaur" as you walk around may scared others in the street!
But do not ever say "dinosaur" in front of a girl's face, or she may be so angry and turn into a real beast and bite you!!
-men always say: a born dinosaur is not your fault, but to show around in the public and scared every one is your fault indeed.

-how's your new coworkers, denny?
-they're a bunch of dinosaurs!
-poor danny, bad luck...
by A.Gleitta February 14, 2007
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a girl that does her hair every day, wears WAY too much MAC makeup, and gets dressed up for dumb occasions in her tacky Forever 21 wardrobe.
Let's be dinosaurs for halloween and wear a lot of makeup!
by Sunny December 26, 2003
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A Giant Behemoth
Types of Dinosaurs i rember: T-Rex... Raptor... Thats it.
The Giant T-Rex swung its 100 million-year-old paw at Jeff.
Jeff pulled out an M16 and fired at full-auto.
Jefff kills T-Rex.
by Private November 7, 2003
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The religion of all religions. It was created by two special* girls who are not fooled by the age old "God" theory and prefer to believe in something that has actually existed. When in times of moral indecision stop and ask yourself, "What would dinosaurs do?" (W.W.D.D) T-Rex is of course large and in charge. When praying to him you must always make your hands into T-rex claws. Accept dinosaurs as your lord and savior and everything in life will fall into place. Or not.

I knew these two girls that practice Dinosaurism and they're the mother flippin!
by brontawhoreus July 21, 2008
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When someone takes over a role you have (typically at work), thus making you outdated.
Rafey just killed the presentation to the board. He's dinosauring the fuck out of me.
by Poley on the Pole June 18, 2018
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One thing you can't buy.
Barry Geller: Well, he may be rather affluent, but there's one thing, to be bought, cannot he do such that thing be done.

Josh Gibson the third: Oh yeah? What's that.

Barry Geller: A dinosaur.

Winston Manillow: Ah, very good sir.
by Atticus Pinch July 20, 2012
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