n. A person who does not control his behavior accordingly in a confined environment. Someone who speaks too loudly, makes comments about people when they are within earshot, and/or eats offensively-smelling food in the office.
John was on the phone for half an hour yesterday, and spoke so loud that the whole office - even the boss - could hear him. And to make it worse, he was actually commenting on co-workers and the boss. If John is not a cubicle cunt, I don't know who is.
by Seb13 February 4, 2009
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The act whereby sabotage or decorating occurs in one's cubicle when the owner has stepped out and isn't around to witness who did the deed. A cubicle war will escalate as the first person retaliates and in some cases, activates other soldiers but sabotaging the wrong cubicle in return. Acts of sabotage can be as simple as posting signs on the front of the cubicle - "This Exhibit is now Closed!" - to sending out emails from an unlocked pc inviting people to a free lunch.

Some cubicle wars are tamer - one's space is decorated for a birthday or special occasion.
Cubicle War will be around so long as managers continue to put people into small spaces.
by specops August 27, 2006
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A character in Salad fingers who persued Salad Fingers because he stole his nettle carrier. Later on died due to slamming his head against Salad Fingers' door. Was known for wearing a BBQ apron.
You look like your name's Milford Cubicle.
by PizzleFashizzle September 3, 2004
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Like Freshmen 15, you supposedly will gain 15lbs in your freshmen year. Cubicle 15 is the same, the phenomenon of gaining 15lbs in your first year working in a cubicle.
A: How's your new job?
B: Damn dude, all I do is sit. Cubicle 15, man.

A: I'm getting fat ever since I start that 9-5 life.

B: ikr, #cubicle15.
by nomnombeast December 13, 2014
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"cubicle chew" is the way to close for comfort chewing sound coming from the cubicle next to you
OMG... I almost just vomitted listening to the guy next to me cubicle chew his turkey sandwich!!
by birdgirl12 April 14, 2010
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Corporate slang for the office environment, as a whole.

Cubical Land is a notional concept of any office space where an employee typically works, and isn't really a physical location or cubicle farm. Typically used when talking about a security zone or network subnet.
Hey Erik, you're not going to believe this! Some assclown admin wanted to put all his production app servers on the core network, until I reminded him that 60% of corporate attacks occur from Cubicle Land, not the Internet. He's such a tool.
by Security Wonk July 19, 2008
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This is were you enter another co-workers cubicle and rip ass in their cubicle, leaving it to rot and it becomes trapped.
Hey John, Larry doesn't know it yet, but I just dropped a cubicle bomp on him.
by Jimmy Hat August 24, 2003
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