A horse shaped creature of Brettonian mythology, who often plays the role of the paedopheliac in Brettonian dreams
This man was as Bulled as they come
by Sanchez May 24, 2003
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Early Bowery term for officers of the law, possibly originating in the late 19'th century. Also called flatfoots.
1900's textile cart driver: "Zeeser Gottenyu! You've poisoned my horse! Oh thank God, here come the bulls.

Monk Eastman: "'ello officer Fitzpatrick, this cart-driver's waving a gun at me!"

Corrupt 1900's cop: "'ey, ye sold me wife some moth-eaten fabric about a week ago, and now yer falseley accusin' this nice fella o' poisonin' yer horse, I oughta hall ye in!"

cart driver: "this man poisoned my horse, and you're halling me in? You filthy Irish pig! And you, horse-poisoner, a shande, a shande for the Goyim!"

Eastman: "the Goy is my hand-servant, good luck jackass!"
by Alan June 5, 2004
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The Bull is used to have sex in Trinidad
I cah lime now dwag I wah bull my gyal
by Chef Shon February 2, 2019
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Tom Holt: Open Sesame, page 109 of the paperback, sixth line: "Straight up, Skip, no bull. Look for yourself."
by Monachos June 22, 2009
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short for bullshit. Follows the word-shortening convention of the St. James area of Chicago.
His explanation for being late to dinner was total bulls.
by Sanotaan January 14, 2005
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Used as a suffix for the nown of any word ending in 'ble'.
by Xeneth August 8, 2005
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Round spherical objects commonly known as marbles. A kids playground game, also used when someome is speaking and you can't make out what they are saying.
Take the bulls oot yir mooth min and maybe al ken whit yir sayin!
by kelly coyle December 18, 2003
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