22 definitions by Sanchez

The spot of all spots on a woman - if touched right can make you squirm all night long, and if he or she knows what there doing can make you have the best orgasim possible - multiples if you please.
I thought I knew how to touch myself until he did it and oh my god I wanted to cum right then - get someone who knows what there doing - i did
by Sanchez June 20, 2003
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A smooth operator. someone who is well liked by others.
I thought you where a greasy wire, but your nothing but a rusty chain.
by Sanchez February 12, 2005
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Verb (Bus- Key):
To ditch your friends for a girl you have little or no chance with, yet remain to pursue.
A one sided crush.
Also see "gay best friend"
Man, I though Ryan would be at the Tavern last night.

No, he's pulling another Buske.
by Sanchez June 24, 2004
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the act or description who bums all kinds of goods ie. food and ciggarettes
Quit detoxing my stoagees kid.
by Sanchez February 13, 2004
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A website that produces porn videos involving some guys going out to pick up chicks for a false purpose and then slowly urge them to have sex. Popular amongst rape fanatics, few people know that the thing is actually completely staged. Then they end up leaving the girl in a very remote place far away from home.
Why is it staged? Mainly because, doing anything like that is completely illegal, its practically kidnapping and almost rape. After all the 40-50 chicks they got you'd think of em would go to the police or something, the website is extremely popular and well known. None of the girls ever cry either, its like every single one of them is completely willing.
by Sanchez December 6, 2004
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any person who believes they are better than everyone else and sucks off members in command.
by Sanchez February 12, 2005
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