A vegetable that is unheard of in Caucasian culture, and is deemed to be a disgusting vegetable for many people.(not necessarily all people.)

A person who is a failure at life, an arrogant egotist, and is a show-off that never does anything right. This name is deemed to the school loner, or the person who gets pissed off that the most randomest things. This person will talk to himself, touch people's hair for no reason, and go on angry tangents and choke people just because he/she feels like it.

Can be used as a noun, or adjective
"Wow, what a bok choy."

"I can't believe Bok Choy actually insulted a teacher."

"I saw Bok Choy at school...FML"

"Did Bok Choy just got his face caked??
Yep...he deserved it."

"Hi, Bok Choy."

"uh........okay...i didn't do anything"
by IkEeEeElYou January 4, 2010
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a Chinese jelly like desert that tastes of and looks of milk pudding.
Also known as Bok Choi (in Australia)
Tastes horible and disliked by many non -Chinese people.
Chinese man: " Lets go eat some yummy Bok Choy"
Aussie: "I don't like Bok Choy, Sorry"
by Un Jong Kim March 16, 2017
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americanised cantonese- referring to veggies that good asian children with slanty eyes and high conduct marks actually enjoy feasting upon. It is white-green and when lightly salted, admittedly quite savorly indeedy.
tsee seen jai, ney sic mm sic ney gaw bok choy AAH???
by HumbyPumby July 14, 2004
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To mess something up, or to express an emotion.
Derek You just bok choyed this whole thing up!!
by joe mama12345678910 August 13, 2010
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one's asshole often shoved in to ppl's faces just because its funny
Danny: hey manny are you ready for some bok choy?

Manny: dude, really its not funny i hate when you do this to me dude

Danny: too bad Lmao!!!!!!
by jager559 December 13, 2009
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How a general Chinese world pronounce "xbox live"
let pwray call of duty on ek bok lie
by 99problemsx April 22, 2011
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To jerk off immensely in a rapid movment. Your penis (chicken) is being shaked (bok). When doing it long enough your chicken will be inlarged,and soon the chicken will produce hatchlings.
Keivon will bok your chicken for a dollar.
by Grade a material March 13, 2014
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