I'm so tired of this azn4life and shit. I'm Asian and I think that Asians are just people from Asia.
Asians are just people
by Zhenia August 5, 2007
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I'm asian and i realized that the world is fucked up and needs to stop hating. just because we are stated to have small eyes or small penises is fucking stupid. Wanna know my size? look down in my pants. just stop all the hating.
asians are asians.
white people are white people
black people are black people
we are who we are. dont judge.
by buahaha November 5, 2007
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im so tired of asians who think they are the best and have sns like aznboi4life and shit. i am asian and i dont think we are better than anyone else. asians are just people from asia
asians are just people
by ??? August 3, 2004
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A term that defines that you are of Asian roots. Being Asian automatically grants you with great math skills, and longer life expectancy. However, being Asian, you're more likely to have a small dick, and below average height. Being Asian, you are expected to become either a doctor or a scientist, otherwise, you are most likely to get disowned by your parents. Asian parents have highest expectations for you, and an A+ is a necessary requirement.

Although it may seem like a pain in the ass to live in Asian continents, you have anime, which kind of relieves the suffering.

Being Asian is both good and bad at the same time.

"Perfectly balanced." -Thanos on Asians
"You're Asian? Damn, you must be really smart..." -Most men
"You're Asian? Lmao you get no bitches!" -The guy who gets no bitches
"You're Asian? What's your favorite anime?" -Random kid
"You are Asian, you need A+ or become doctor or you not my son!" -Asian parents
by wenimechuindasama August 19, 2022
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People living in, or having ancestors from, the continent of Asia or some part of Asia. In the United States, "Asians" are people with ancestors from south Asia, east Asia, and southeast Asia -- that is, anywhere in the triangle between Pakistan, Japan, and Indonesia.

In the United Kingdom, south Asians, but not east or southeast Asians, are considered "Asians". This generally means people with ancestors from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and nearby areas.
Q: Why are there so few Asians in Fresno?
A: Fresno has plenty of Asians, especially southeast and south Asians; you need to abandon your 1980s conception of "Asians" as meaning only east Asians.
by San José March 31, 2008
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Not all Asians are Chinese, Japanese, or Koreans...

Not all Asians eat with Chopsticks...
Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iraq, India and the others are still Asians...
by random person 06 February 13, 2010
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To become more Asian than already is.
After James lived in Hong Kong for 11 years, he has been completely Asianized by the chinese culture.
by David Shum January 27, 2008
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