A term used to refer to girls/women by men whilst out on the pull.

"Mate, the trout is quality in here tonight!"
by Jimmy_S May 18, 2007
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The look depicted on one's face, which resembles that of a trout, often caused involuntarily, due the contortion and spasm of their facial muscles after ingesting large quantities of MDMA, also known as gak or ecstacy.
"Gee Patty, just have a look at Maud's face, she looks as though she had fun out on the gak last night because she is seriously trouting!!"
by Matthec7 January 16, 2009
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An ugly and usually old woman
1) Look at that old trout
2) I don't fancy that moose she's an old trout
by Master Blaster July 11, 2003
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to drop a stink nugget in the shower and watch it swim downstream
Holy Shit! Maria laid a trout in the dorm showers!

I couldn't hold it anymore, I had to trout it out.
by Johnny Maria Gestapo III February 22, 2005
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to lie ontop of one's friend/ partner (preferrably not strangers as it could get a tad awkward) and flop your body up and down like a wet fish, being sure to keep your arms straight at your sides at all time. Often used to initiate sexy time.
i felt a tad uncomfortable when i woke up to find the guy i pulled last night trouting me.
by fo shizzle hizzle April 2, 2009
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a bag-whore little bitch that is tolerated primarily for a piece of ass(which of course is given up in exchange for gib). You see a large number of trout indiginous to Auburn, WA. These trout have lost most of their teeth and enjoy riding bicycles.
annoying little tramp who is always up on your old man for his sack of dope
by skinnylittlebitch March 3, 2005
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A person who opts out of group activities because of lack of motivation
We were going to go steal pumpkins before Travis trouted out.
by Leon! April 24, 2003
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