a word that people (blacks) use to not fell white....i'm black
jhon: "Yo son i lost my iPod yesterday."
Chris: "You Tight!"
by yo yo yo yonjvg August 18, 2008
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A chick who has a really tight pussy. AKA the type of girl you don't want to hang out with when you want some high-quality tang
Dude, let's go get some poooosy from these chicks.
Yea right, those girls are tights.
Fuck tights! Let's go hire a hooker!
by BoB BiTcHeS May 10, 2006
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being really uptight over something or someone.
I lost 5o dollars today and was tight all day.
by chk2033 May 9, 2005
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I was so tight when those kids coped our beer.

My girlfriend makes me mad tight when she doesn't let me play COD
by Sgt.Hugo Stiglitz May 23, 2010
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To be mad and/or exasperated.
"I'm tight. I just got grounded for two months."

"I'm tight. I have to take out the trash."

"I'm tight. Jerry just deleted our project off the computer."
by Illyria420 March 16, 2009
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Tight member of rival crew in haverhill (see rival)
"tight was merkin bear mc's last nite blad"
by Ashley Renton "RiVaL" May 17, 2006
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When something is so tight that an 'e' is required
"Damn, you should've seen how tighte Gregory's jeans were."

"Were they really that tight?"
by Barnacles1709 August 26, 2016
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