A coin grand slam is something that any lazy schmuck who's worked a cash register knows all too well. It is the much-maligned phenomenon that occurs at the end of a transaction when the change that you owe back to the customer requires you to use at least one of each of the four principal coin denominations (quarter, dime, nickel, and penny) ... thus making you hate your job that much more.
*Cashier rings up customer's single $9.99 item and the computer shows a total of $10.94 after tax*

Cashier: "Holy-bejeebers another coin grand slam?!? That's my third in a row :( I can't take this s*hit anymore ... "
by wxflurry September 25, 2010
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Pulling off the Des Moines Surprise, Sioux City Superman, and Topeka Destroyer all at the same time.

Essentially, you have to straddle the girl's face as she's giving you head, pee in her mouth, poo on her chest, and vomit on her face.

Technically only theoretical because no one has proof of ever completing this rare trifecta.
Dude, I was so close to the Midwestern Grand Slam. I pulled the Des Moines Surprise and Sioux City Superman off at the same time, but she moved her head before the Topeka Destroyer hit her.
by Superscope March 2, 2008
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Derived from the term Grand Slam, which involves one team of the 6 nations defeating all others in the competition in one year.

The Scottish Grand Slam involves Scotland defeating England, because this is the only game that truly matters to Scottish fans.
"It's a shame Scotland lost to France, but we're still hopeful of a Scottish Grand Slam."
by TheBald March 22, 2010
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Highly coveted morning sex performed by a male with a female partner. The Grand Slam must include the four specific sexual acts of analingus, cunnilingus, vaginal sex and anal sex.
Roger woke up at 4:30 a.m. And gave his girlfriend a nudge and then proceeded to warm her up for a Grand Slam Breakfast.
by Eaton Holgoode April 18, 2015
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When you go to Disney World and go to all four parks in one day, hitting all major attractions; starting at 9 am and ending at 1 am. This usually ends in massive pain in your legs due to all the walking.
Dude I did the Disney Grand Slam the other day, and I still can't get out of bed.
by LaFleur818 August 24, 2011
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A Grand Slam breakfast purchased at a Denny's in Compton, California. Consists of crack, peyote, PCP and meth instead of the usual sausage, eggs and pancakes.
Tyrese: Yo loc, imma head to Denny's and get my ass a Compton Grand Slam.

Jamal: NI**A PLEASE! (shoots)
by beotchprease January 13, 2010
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When you screw four girls of the opposite race that you are.
Man that C MART guy is a total pimp he has had a Mexican, black, asian, and white. He got a Racial Grand Slam.

Eric will never get a racial Grand slam, because he is racist.
by C MART October 5, 2005
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