the act of sneaking up behind someone and wiping your hand down their face while exclaiming, "Walrus!"
1. Dude, he just got walrus'd 4 times!

2. He wasn't even expecting that walrus.

3. ok, you go to the right and I'll go to the left, and we'll both walrus him at the same time!
by aiso21 June 1, 2010
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A large creature which resides in Seaforth, Merseyside. The Walrus,or less commonly known name 'Walmart' tends to wear Doc Marten boots and has a strangely squeaky sound to it when it makes noises. In most cases when aggitated; the walrus will run like a tit and make a rather amusing face. Though the walrus doesn't look threatening, beware of it's footwear; as that is it's only defence when under threat. In recent weeks, the Walrus has began to wear a sort of black hand garment in the cold winter months. And yes, as you may have guessed - it does make him a pussy.
"I smacked the Walrus and it ran like an idiot and everybody laughed."
by Kestrel Soup November 27, 2008
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To put a tooter in each nostril and inhale (insert substance of choice) simultaneously.

Usually performed in small groups with large quantities of illicit, insufflable substances.
by Mobile Lek April 14, 2008
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A term denoting any and all 16-year old boys with wrinkly faces, who are consistently encased in some form of cast, and who overuse plural words to an extreme. their parents are cool boomers, but have a tendency to be hovercraft parents

also responds to Poo, Poo-Pie (like banana cream), or Blue Eyes.
1: hey we're having a party on saturday. can you go?
Reece: no, i have a tennis tourney.
1: but it's at night.
Reece: well, i have to study for all my AP classes.
1 (to 2): Jeez, reece is being such a walrus.
2: omg, ino. vampires leave their houses more often.
1: hah 2tru
by Jordan Dylan Merkin March 19, 2008
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A boasting wanker, especially about money or supposed sexual prowess. From the nickname walrus applied to Joff Ennis, from the walrus-like rolls of fat on the back of his neck.
Walrus: Im so ace and ive just fucked 87 birds up the arse blah blah.....
Me: Shut up u fuckin walrus.
by oracle March 13, 2004
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Something that is stupid and hilarious at the same time; something whose funniness actually stems from its very stupidity.
The movie "Kung Pow Enter The Fist" is the walrus.
by Kleenexwoman November 18, 2003
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The act act of fat girl deepthroating a guy while laying down because she is too fat to kneel. Generally, the same sounds are made with the animal and the act.
"Did you hook up with that fat chick that night?"
"Yeah, her fat ass gave me a walrus."
see penguin
by theTwitchyPolak January 23, 2010
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