what you're doing right now! get back to studying/doing homework or if your bored and looked this up for fun....why?
Jim: Did you study last night?
You: No I procrastinated and looked up procrastinating on Urban Dictionary.
by Sunrise-Succulent January 24, 2019
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pro·cras·ti·na·tiv·i·ty (proh-kras-tuh-nuh-tiv-i-tee) -noun

1. The inciting act of procrastination that gives birth to further procrastination.
2. That which college students everywhere participate in when reports are coming due.
So I was reviewing some background information on Wikipedia this morning, then I had a procrastinativity moment when I saw a related link to a completely unrelated topic that was nonetheless relevant to my interests. Several hours later I realized that I had to leave for class, without having done any actual work.
by Mattoco May 21, 2008
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to put things off until last minute; what you are probably doing right now
Sally: OMG! I finished my history homework! Did you finish yours?

Bob: No... I'm procrastinating.

Sally: You always procrastinate! Bad boy!
by futymore December 18, 2009
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One who, when advised that today is the first day of the rest of his life, replies, no, that's tomorrow.
Apparently procrastinator has to be in this sentence or this submission won't go through.
by Scott Semans November 6, 2006
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A philosophy based on the premise that ignoring problems will make them go away.
He was an ardent follower of procrastination.
by Procrastimaster December 9, 2005
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The art of putting things off till you absolutely need to do them. Often by the motivation of a due date or someone constantly bitching to you past the point of human tolerance.
When I procrastinate my homework I feel good knowing the night before was spent getting trashed.
by rulvnthatwigs September 18, 2007
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The act of going on urbandictionary to merely look up the word 'procrastination', and then go further and define it, whilst knowing that you're wasting time and need to be getting shit done.
procrastination at it's finest.
by shitimprocrastinatingagain December 13, 2016
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