A person who posts multiple links on Facebook and causes their friends' feed to be inundated with useless information.
She posts links to celebrity birthdays 10 times in a row every morning. I know, she's such a thread clogger.
by SublimeBabie March 30, 2011
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A doofus clogger is someone who is both a doofus and or clogger. In other words, they are both hardheaded and mischievous. They cause annoyance in times where nothing was was wrong. It is not to be confused with with a tootle clogger, the non insulting form of doofus clogger.
You’re such a doofus clogger! Go clog some doofuses!
by EatingBaconbits August 26, 2018
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a car that your behind thats going under the speed limit causing traffic.
-speed limits 50-
-2 cars ahead is going 40-

~cuts off~
by Xoiey August 28, 2011
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A Slang term used by stoners after they have a spliff and get the munchies for Cheetos, Wotsits or Cheeseballs.
Person 1: What are these things bro they’re clogging my teeth?

Person 2: They’re teeth cloggers!
by onecoolasguy February 2, 2021
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A person who displays the upmost level of cowardice and lack of integrity by force exiting a gaming session to avoid repercussions of losing a PVP fight.
I can't believe that clogger from last night, he really must not be a good person.
by Door Knob Cleptomaniac July 26, 2022
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slur that is used by drainers to describe people who are against them
“bro you’re totally clogging my drain, you clogger
by WhatsUpMyClogga June 23, 2022
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Anyone who is anti drain or trying to bring down the drainers is a clogger.
Person 1:“Bro you’re totally clogging my drain, you clogger.”
Person 2:"Watch the hard R there bro. You can only call me clogga"
by icydanny June 25, 2022
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