exercise you do while riding a bike. you suck in your gut ~creates a flat abdominal area without sit ups .
want a 8pack? do your skinnies while riding your bike...suck it in
by agent of social change April 6, 2012
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Thin, pocket-sized and pocket-shaped bottle of liquor, meant to be carried and used discreetly. Their size is no larger than 375ml, or half a fifth.
I carry a skinny of whiskey in my coat to Irish up my coffee in the morning.
by Boyole October 5, 2006
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I used to be HELLA fat, but then I started throwing my food up and now I'm skinny!
by Lanah L. February 10, 2008
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being not fat. being unfat. not having any fat on you.
some guy:woah look at Ashley Rosen
Kevin: ya i no dude she is soooo skinny. i cant believe how skinny she is. i just wanna hold her in my arms all day long.
by orange March 12, 2005
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Slang for a street person of questionable character such as a junkie, a drunk, a drug dealer, a thief or a mugger. Opposite of heavy. (UK Slang)
Watch out, that skinny is about to hit you up for change.
by will-88 December 4, 2008
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skinnies (plural) is the word used for reverse furries (animals that dress up as humans)
my friend: dang my dogs are really human-like, they act a lot like real people

me: they just needs to wear a human suit and they could be real skinnies lmao
by wheckles September 23, 2020
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lets go smoke a skinny
i could go for a skinny right now!
by Drew wahlgren May 7, 2004
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