24 definitions by orange

James Hawkings. Ruthless. Likes eating kittens and catapulting the rest of the human race into volcanos; asshat
Owlmanatt was eating a kitten while he catapulted me into a volcano, therefore he is an asshat.
by orange October 6, 2003
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70's punk band...shut up people. you like them or you dont, nobody really cares what you think of them. you can insult them all you want, see if i care, but either way, "punk" is not caring about what anybody else says. so theres no point in saying anything.
by orange January 3, 2004
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Ashley Rosen: The mostest speacial person in the world; being more speacial than anything else.
Everday Ashley proves to me that she is the most speacialest person in the world.
by orange March 12, 2005
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something really fun to do to stuff that dont really matter to you. or some one who doesnt matter to you.
Me: hey Fag
Prep: what?
Prep:AAHHH omg you stabbed me. owie. im gonna die. NOO!!
Me: i stabbed you in the arm you gay dumass, your not gonna die. unfortunatly. (no offense to any prps out there) (i wouldnt kill you)
by orange March 13, 2005
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Joe: That concert was so madcap
Bo: Totally
by orange April 9, 2005
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Slang used by pedophiles to mean little boys.
Your kid is a Tastyhumanburger
by orange September 25, 2003
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being not short. its that simple.
hah the first one is really cool. what i would be if i were in japan. haha thats was great. i give him props.
any way my example is oompa loompas are not tall.
by orange March 13, 2005
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