(1) A Cunt Shit is what happens when a female has had too much anal sex and their asshole stops working. So they literally, shit out of their cunt.

(2) Somebody whose being a little bitch and wont take one for the team.

(3) An asshat.

Dude did you hear about Julia?
No what happened?
She has the cuntshits
John! What the fuck you cuntshit? Why'd you tell her I fucked her sister

Umad bro?
Stop being a Cunt shit, Steve.
by S.S.P. December 18, 2011
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Individual that is whimpy and nonconfrontational, but likes to go around causing problems behind one's back.
Damn, Joe left another note about washing the dishes before he went out of town. What a little cunt shit.
by For You Chris November 3, 2006
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1) a series of offensive words, used in an undesireable situation.
2) a series of offensive words, used only to shock or disturb those around you.
3) an insulting request, translates to "have sex with this piece of poo, you who has a vagina in the place of their rectum."
Fuck shit, ass cunt.
Fuck! Shit! Ass! Cunt!
by Acephalous February 25, 2004
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A not-so-well known substance that originates from the walls of the female urethra.
It's basically shit from the vagina.
quite enjoyable.
damn, that bitch had some wack-ass cunt shit.
by DragonTard May 29, 2012
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It means "no way" "I can't believe this!" "Are you shitting on my cunt?!"
I don't believe you i think you're shitting on my cunt
by sketchy June 16, 2015
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The act where a female wipes her shitty ass in a hurry and it smears across her vagina - befouling it.
She knew her night was ruined, she had smeared shit across the cunt.
by Zonal K June 28, 2018
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