when a womens vaginal lips are rotting away or she has a vile STD
'that old bint has a serious case of flap rot'
by bettyrobbo April 15, 2007
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An individual with such bad breath that it's akin to decomposing flesh. If you didn't know better, you would swear that they had an internal organ rotting away and the smell is expelling via the mouth.
Broooohh that dude's breath is vile.

Yea braaahhhh. He's got oral rot.
by Eaton Holgoode February 27, 2017
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A group of zombies or bunches of zombies and or a name for zombies in general.
"Look at those rotting stiffs over there".
by RottingStiifs March 16, 2008
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The artificial pouch that is created after a man who is looking to change himself into the opposite sex gets bottom surgery. Typically not very clean or hygienic, hence the risk of it succumbing to "rot" and necrosis.
This woman is getting angry that men won’t date him once they find out he has a rot pocket.
by Sampsa March 17, 2023
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Term pertaining to the deleterious effect of the sweat from your nut sack upon surrounding tissue and material. Nut rot causes your underwear to prematurely fail in the crotch area immediately beside where your sack rides. Nut rot becomes visible as a tan or brown stain in the area where your crotch is on the inside of the underwear. Next, the seam and the stretchy elastic gives way and eventually the entire crotch area of the underwear gives out and your nuts hang out from beneath your underwear in the area where the underwear material used to be. Nut rot also affects the skin of the crotch in cases where a person uses poor hygiene and / or lack of bathing or showering. See crotch rot.
Damn, when Frank was on the campout, his nards hung out of his skivvies. He must have major nut rot in his tighty whities.
by Frank Klaune April 23, 2005
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"Windows Rot" is the name someone gave the process by which a Windows machine becomes progressively slower the longer you use it and the more software you install on it.
I think I'll have to reinstall XP since the Windows Rot has slowed it down so badly...
by Elvis February 22, 2006
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To neither accept, nor decline a friend request from someone on Facebook or Myspace. Used in situations when you don't want to accept someone's friend request, but you also don't want to be rude by declining them.
Dude, that asshole friend of my girlfriend just sent me a friend request on Facebook. He's getting the inbox rot.
by WHUDDDUP March 9, 2009
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