Roof Camping is a term used to describe pussies in games such as Rust, where highly geared players far into the game sit on top of their base shooting people enlarging their ego for the 1 out of every 50 bullets they hit.
Jeff: *sits on the roof shooting at nakeds*
Steve: Jeff is such a Roof Camping Bitch
by GourmetCookies December 25, 2020
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A game played in an apartment consisting of hitting the ceiling with broom handles, usually played with six to ten players. The object of the game is to irritate the upstairs neighbor, often as revenge for noisy behavior such as stomping. Typically, roof brooms involves drinking beer, talking, and hammering on the ceiling for hours. Players may arrange themselves in shifts to ensure continual striking upon the ceiling.
Marc: "what's up tonight?"
Jim: "we're playing Roof Brooms at my flat tonight."
by MFn Connery May 5, 2013
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Another derogatory term for an African American male that sits on a roof while eating a pizza.
Don't throw that pizza up there, those damn roof cats will eat it.
by Papamitch04 May 15, 2015
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Noun. Metaphoric phrase most commonly used to describe a highly unusual or unforeseen event or occurrence. Can be extended to describe people who are not as they first appear, or when a person acts out of character.

Originally derived from a quotation in '90s cartoon television show "The Tick" in which the eponymous hero, upon seeing a pig on a rooftop, exclaims "Roof Pig! Most unexpected!".
Wow! Saints won the Superbowl? That's one heck of a roof pig!

She was acting so strangely the other night - a total roof pig.
by FightingTorque May 12, 2010
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A roof unicorn refers to a man with a shovel in his pants (giant penis).
Example 1:

We were in the locker room getting dressed and I saw Marquavius’s nine inch penis, and that was soft! He’s a total roof unicorn!

Example 2:

Guy: What’s she doing with a guy like that?! He’s so ugly!
Guy 2: I heard he’s a total roof unicorn.
by RoofUnicorn69 November 5, 2020
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Angry Korean store workers who prowl their store roof tops wielding Nagasaki rifles and wearing their Korean Pride bandannas during the Baltimore riots to keep their store from being looted by "protestors"
After setting fire to the neighborhood CVS farmicy, Tyrone and the boys got in a shoot out with Highly armed Roof Koreans while trying to loot the noodle store nearby.
by FauxTales April 29, 2015
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Having any sexual activity on the roof of a building inadvertently in view of Pan, Tilt, Zoom security cameras monitored by Marine Security Guards at a US Embassy.
Ben - Did you watch the video of Brett and that WSJ reporter going at it on the roof last night?

Harold - No Dude! Holy Shit! Where is it? I gotta see that!

Ben - Sorry Bro, that “Roof-topper” is being archived in the vault never to be seen again!

Harold - You suck!
by Mil3druid4 April 1, 2021
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