A sexually-transmitted disease which usually causes a large, purple-coloured swelling of the penis and testifies
Person 1: Did you get the results back yet?
Person 2: Yeah, I totally got a ronan.
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That Guy is a complete Ronan, he got drunk, took a line and crashed his Lexus on the way home from the bar.
by Rotarded November 22, 2021
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The person that will give you the biggest headache in the world, it will hurt your eyes to even look at him. Hes the ugliest person in the entire world and cant respect boundires, hes mostly made of dandruff and has terrible terrible hygiene. KEEP AWAY FROM ALL RONANS THEY ARE TERRIBLE
“ew what the fuck it’s ronan…”

omfg i can smell ronan from here it’s terrible
by cancerous101 August 23, 2022
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To get really drunk and throw up in a public place.
Man, last night I went out and got Ronaned.
by Mark Z April 26, 2005
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Ronan, the guy who Everyone loves until they know him better. Most Ronan who are called Roro, is gay. He loves to act stupide to make people laugh
« Oh no there is ronan »
by Nico11789 November 21, 2021
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Look at that wanker over there with the cunt of a brother called Marc, he’s such a Ronan
by Even Bigger J November 22, 2021
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