It’s a great thing if u ever walk in a place start shooting the niggas and the browns cause they don’t deserve rights and should be on the farm.
by A black negro September 4, 2023
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"Boy, I love doing racism!"
"Can I join?"
by SeaZoshiCaramel February 15, 2023
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Racism - /ˈrāˌsizəm/


A word most commonly used by ignorant liberals when they don't agree with someone's point of view. May also be used as a "fail-safe" when they lose their position in an argument that they are not going to win.

A word that can only be applied to white people in the modern age. If you use this word against any other race aside from Caucasians, you will be a racist yourself.
- Man I can't stand Obama. Do you know he's added more money to our deficit in 4 years than the previous 43 presidents combined?

- Dude that's racism. That's
not cool.

- I heard a black guy yesterday talking loads of shit about white people and how he couldn't wait for the blacks to take over. What a piece of shit.

- Whoa man! Why are you calling black people pieces of shit and being racist?!?!
by Sensual lettuce February 12, 2017
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Racism is commonly defined as a belief or doctrine where inherent biological differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, with a corollary that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

The term racism can also mean one is proud of one's race without discriminating others (ethnocentrism), fear of foreigners (xenophobia), views or preferences against interbreeding of the races (miscegenation), and nationalism, and/or a generalization of a specific group of people (stereotype); regardless of any explicit belief in superiority or inferiority embedded within such views or preferences. Racism has been used in attempts to justify social discrimination, racial segregation and violence, including genocide. Politicians are known to practice race-baiting in an effort to win constituents.

The term racist, when used to describe someone who supports racism, has been a pejorative term since at least the 1940s, and the identification of a group or person as racist is nearly always controversial.
there's nothing wrong with racism, it's cool if you're proud of your race, but if you discriminate other races then run into a knife and die with your racist shithead friends.

heritage not hate? what IS the heritage then, if not hate?
by gostupid December 3, 2006
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When a black guy can say nigger but a white guy can't. No matter what.
Detroit, New York, are a place you can find this racism
by Tildo December 6, 2010
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People with a different colour are called names like negro or nigga.

This word should not be used in any sentence, because it is racist

A lot of times it’s not black people who people are mostly racist to, but it could be anyone like asians or Indians
White dude: ay nigga go away
by BeTHATurbanGUY March 9, 2022
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The belief of one race being superior to another race.
Something that I hate and do not engage in. The people who do are known as racists. The typical people who are targets of racism are Blacks and Hispanics. However, Whites are often attacked by other races, which is also known as "reverse racism". It's something that people shouldn't even participate in, especially considering how far we have come. Being a fifth (20%) Native American and being White of English and German heritage, I don't really think I have any place in racist behavior. Since I have a very significant amount of Native American blood, I am part of the "Mother of All Minorities". I AM diverse!
I love black people; I think they are hilarious, most of them are devout Christians, and the majority of them have been respectful to me for who I am, and they were NEVER racist towards me.
by Radical Republican December 9, 2004
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