The act of waking up in the middle of the night with the urge to have a quick wank.
Most of the time when I have a Midnight Quickie , I always forget to clean up, resulting in waking up with a crusty hand.
by Freeride Cazza September 10, 2016
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When you put some serious mac on someone for a short time. Saying what you want in a short amount time. A short but effective mac session on someone.
Matt: Bro, I just pulled a Quicky Mac on her.
Paul: Yeah man, do work.
by Young Bergen September 14, 2010
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A quick sexual act, originating in Aspen, CO, that consists of taking off many layers of clothes or ski clothes and enjoying the magnificent views and penetration. This can happen in many places, but the gondola seems to be the optimum choice.
Maddie: Did you hear Alma and Steve just left for a good old Colorado Quicky, I hope they enjoy the views!

Joe: Yeah, but they're in for a bumpy ride; the gondola's getting a little shaky in the wind.
by EYE2011 December 8, 2010
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A person, usually in a relationship, who really gets off on having lots and lots of quickie sex.

Etym.: Cookie Monster + quickie
"Dave insisted on squeezing in sexy time every morning this week just before the bus came! He just can't control himself, he's like the Quickie Monster!"
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A kiss between older folks.
Hey sweetheart, let’s have a geezer quickie, shall we?
by Dr Bunnygirl July 23, 2020
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Me: Yo Tyrone, hit me up with a quicky fisty.

Tyrone: Nah bruh I don't want nothin up my rear.
Me: Tyrone, it's a fistbump bruh
Tyrone: Oh tru
by AstrixTheGod December 14, 2017
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The sport in which one does a forward roll onto a bed and claims them to be triple back-flips, Quicky Parkour also involves jumping off curbs, jumping down up to one step, climbing up curbs and is one of the most extreme sports known to man. Once finished in doing Quicky Parkour the phrase 'QUICKEEEH PARKOUR' is shouted.
Person 1: Woah, I just saw that guy jumpig off a curb
Person 2: That must be Quicky Parkour
by Username543211 September 16, 2010
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