The art of leaving streaks in the toilet after taking a dump.

The residue left in the toilet after a good crap.
Bob, what the hell did you eat? You left some major porcelain paint!

After that burrito last night, I'm going to leave some porcelain paint.
by cheeks1128 February 4, 2010
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A huge , nasty, filthy dump. Usually taken the day after a hard night of draft beer and hot wings. Sometimes confused with the "triple flusher" , but much more violent.
I'm going to lay down a real porcelain punisher before the Seahawks game kicks off...
by Blair Y. January 19, 2006
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When the food you pass explodes in the toilet and there is no white left to be seen
I had Mexican for dinner last night and within 2 hours I was sitting in the bathroom Painting the Porcelain. Why don't they just make toilets in brown?
by Urban humor May 23, 2017
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When you take a big shit and the turd creates a splash that goes up into your asshole, acting as a cleaner of sorts.
Not long after having my usual double quarter pounder meal with an extra bacon cheeseburger, I sat on the toilet in anticipation of a porcelain enema.
by MrCorrect1985 September 17, 2009
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The thoughts between vomiting in front of a toilet, usually against yourself, and whatever substance has brought you there.
Wanna come out with us tonight? No thanks, I'm taking a break after last nights porcelain revelation.

Last night I had a porcelain revelation, flushed the rest of my stuff, turned off my phone, and am looking for a new job.
by ilted April 8, 2010
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Someone who takes off articles of clothing while using the toilet.
Jim must be a porcelain stripper; I saw him go into the shitter wearing a full tux and came out in his birthday suit.
by applesaucedoesntcount June 3, 2016
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A pejorative term targeted at white Americans with fragile egos who are unable to have mature discussions about race without mentioning that a white guy invented the light bulb.
"That guy is so sensitive, he's a Porcelain American."
by Xima Lima April 25, 2022
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