Another way of saying "Darn It!"
-First Invented By Stuart Tyler
"Dude they know we stole that guys candy"
by JJBBJJ September 3, 2015
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when you nut and fart at the same time
"I narted" -Chris Griffin
by June 22, 2023
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A nart is when you think you had a shart, but then you check, and it's not. If you don't check, then it's not a nart. That is, if you don't confirm that it was Not a Shart, then it cannot be a Nart. It is both a verb and a noun. And is perhaps most comply used as a verb in the past tense: "narted".
I was shopping at Home Depot and pushed too hard to get a fart out and was sure I had sharted myself, so I went to the bathroom to clean up, and it turned out it was only a nart. Thank god.


I narted at Home Depot the other day.


I really hope that was a nart.
by PooterMcGavin1982 December 24, 2020
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Narti eshte nje karmadh
Oh its bike like Narti’s
by Karmadhi June 17, 2020
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An alternate name for the popular Ace Attorney ship Narumitsu, coined by tumblr and discord communities surrounding the franchise and popularised after the unofficial (and very much non-serious) defining of the original name as a slur within the fandom.
Person 1: hey look at this cool Ace Attorney fanart I found!
Person 2: Is that a fucking nart doujin!?
by 0rph3uss December 11, 2021
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An exclamation of surprise in a situation of forgetfulness and/or stupidity
"Did you read last night's article?"

"Aw narts!"
by Oof.its.faleeshuh November 9, 2017
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The word Nart has no meaning, you can the word in a sentence, phrase, text, or just anything to replace a real word. There is one rule to this word, you shall never tell anyone what word your using Nart to replace (unless there is a secret). It’s all in your head it’s a undercover word, with any meaning you desire.
Wow Jimmy just took a fatt Nart on the lunchroom floor.
by Sam_:) November 22, 2021
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